Summer job vs part-time job

I’m a college and I get a set amount of money per month from the government to get to go to school, and I’ve been looking for a job for months. My last job was a summer job last year, but I’ve been looking around for a part-time job I could have for college. I haven’t had much luck so I recently started sending out applications and cover letters and resumes to summer jobs that would help me work towards my future career.

Recently though, I’ve found a part-time job opening that has good hours that would work well with my schedule. However, I just got a call back from a big company I applied to a couple months ago about a summer job. I unfortunately missed the call since I was too busy to pick up the phone, and I called back but had to leave a voicemail. The only thing is I don’t know if they were calling to tell me I’m moving on to the next step in the hiring process, or if I’m just not what they’re looking for.

Now, say I do get a job offer from one of the summer jobs, as well as from the part-time job. Which one should I take? On one hand, the summer jobs would be catered toward my education and future career paths, but on the other, the part-time job would be more stable and I’d have a steady income for potentially years instead of just 3-4 months.

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Summer job vs part-time job Summer job vs part-time job Reviewed by Louhi on février 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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