I’m getting a job offer in a week. Unsure how to approach negotiating the offer.

Excuse the throw away account but idk how to talk about this without sharing some details.

Tl;dr need advice opening negotiations for a newly created position just for me with a very small company.

For medical reasons, I have to leave my current job. I’ve been talking with another company for a few months now (off and on because holidays). I got an email from the CEO saying she wants to give me a call and talk timing. Now, the job I expect to be doing per our discussions (supply chain management) is not the one I originally applied for with them (customer service manager). They’d already filled that position and just hadn’t taken it down from a job board but still wanted me and know my experience is really geared to supply chain. The listing gave a specific base salary and stated that there would also be performance based commission and an annual bonus and benefits.

I know I’m probably jumping the gun but I also know that for at least the first few months, I will be filling in the original listed job’s role as the person they hired is about to go on maternity leave. So I’m expecting that base rate as listed in their original post being the offer they make even though I’d eventually (by May or so) be moving to a different and more complex role. Problem is, this company is pretty small so I have no idea how to begin negotiating with them or how much wiggle room they may or may not have. I’ve never really had to negotiate an offer before but I also know the base number I need to continue to afford living where I do and it’s about $5,000 higher than their listing.

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I’m getting a job offer in a week. Unsure how to approach negotiating the offer. I’m getting a job offer in a week. Unsure how to approach negotiating the offer. Reviewed by Louhi on février 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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