Hey Reddit, I'm posting here in hopes y'all have some advice. I'm 28, male, and a Bachelor of Computer Networking and Security, something I'm very proud of, as I worked very hard through some really rough times to get where I am today. I graduated with a nearly perfect GPA, and received the highest honor in my class.
6 years ago (2013), I took a job with a company doing data programming (fairly heavy on database work, etc). At the time, I accepted the job at a very low pay ($12/hr), because I had a recent drug felony (2011) that I was on probation for, and even with the low pay, it was and still is miles better than overnight grocery stocking for $9/hr.
At the time, the job was relatively laid back. As long as I got the work done, nobody was breathing down my neck. They feed us lunch every day, and at the time, I was able to work as much overtime as needed, so long as I was legitimately working on something for the company. I used that time to write software which greatly improved the speed and accuracy of our workflow, as well as help others out with theirs.
It got hard at times, but I was excellent at it. Over the years, management has been extremely impressed with my work quality, and through the years I've gotten several raises handed to me. I'm currently making about $20/hr - which is still low for what I do, but enough that I'm able to live decently, and still the most I've ever made at any job.
Unfortunately though, as of late, the climate has changed significantly. More jobs have been coming in, I've been expected to handle more of them solo, and despite how fast and well I work, I do not get a break. The company has halted all overtime, meaning I no longer have time to write or update programs to help the workflow; I'm basically just pushing jobs out all day long. I basically can't program anymore because every time I start to work on something, more jobs come in, and it's very difficult to shift tasks all day long like that.
Pretty much every week consists of days where I have to work 9-10 hours, which means I have to leave early on the last pay cycle day since we can't work overtime. There's constant pressure to get everything out as quickly as possible, and overall the job has become quite stressful. I find myself coming home mentally fatigued almost every day, and usually fall asleep almost as soon as I get home.
Recently, our netadmin announced he would be retiring soon, and the company's been looking at how to deal with that. Their decision was to merge IT into our (already desperately overworked) department, and put me in the position of primary IT/netadmin, with my coworkers functioning as backups.
This sounded like an opportunity to me at the time, and I was quite excited about it. I was finally going to be working in the field I studied! I was finally going to get paid for what I worked so hard to achieve!
But then they told me that they expected me to start doing this without any increase in pay -and- on top of my current duties. They told me that in order to approve a pay raise, they need me to write a report on the network, mapping out all the details, documenting things I think need to be worked on, etc, as well as how much time/day I'd have to focus towards IT-related duties. They would then present it to their "committee" (a handful of higher-ups in the company who have been making monetary and company-wide decisions as of late) and figure out based on that how much to pay me.
So according to my boss, there is an opportunity for a pay raise, but I would have to basically start working the position for a few months before I could get one, and there's no guarantee.
Thing is, I'm currently not making even what a base IT support employee in this state makes. The current (retiring) netadmin makes more than double what I currently do, and I'm expected to do that work on top of doing my current job, which as mentioned is already a stressful, full-time job.
I'm also doubtful that they will pay me even nearly what I'm worth even if I do bite the bullet, work with the current netadmin, learn the intricacies of the network, start taking on IT duties on top of my current ones, and build this report. I've seen them do this sort of thing to other good employees, who never saw pay raises and ended up disgruntledly leaving the company over it.
But I can't just up and quit. Like I said, I have a felony charge from 2011 which no doubt will hold me back from many opportunities. I also don't have my certifications yet (Net+, A+, Cisco, M$ etc) - I'm working on them, but it's going to take time, and I currently don't actually have job experience running a network, something I would gain if I suck it up and do what they're asking of me.
For the time being, I still desperately need this job.
My current plan is to suck it up, try to work the IT duties & my current job, and in my free time, work on my certifications. Then once I've done that, start putting out feelers for another job, and require that my company match the pay they offer or I move on.
It's a really rough situation though, and I'm literally exhausted by it. It's consuming my entire life.
Does anyone have any advice on how to better handle this situation? I really need help, and I'd really appreciate any insight on how I should move forward here.
Thanks in advance.
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