I’ve been having issues with my job role since October last year and have raised these at every formal quarterly check in with my boss but nothing has changed. I’m constantly over capacity and I have no support from my boss so I feel as though I’m drowning in work but with no direction as to how to tackle it all. I don’t really feel as though I’ve learnt anything in the year I’ve been there and I’ve just become progressively more and more stressed out by my ever-mounting workload. A few weeks ago this was taken to the next level by lay-offs that affected my team and all of that additional work came my way as well. It’s got to the point now where I’m so stressed it’s starting to affect my mental and physical health. I don’t sleep, I have constant tension headaches and my whole body feels so fatigued.
I’ve been interviewing for a few roles here and there but I’m being super picky as I don’t want to end up in the same situation I’m in right now...or in fact worse. I’ve also been considering handing in my notice, taking a bit of a break and then doing some freelancing - financially I’d be able to support myself for a couple of months if I couldn’t find anything but I’m worried I’ll never find something with this option and I don’t want future employers to think I’m “weak” for taking a break.
Ultimately my goal here is to reduce my stress levels and bring me back down to something more manageable. What do you think I should do?
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