I politely backed out of the interview process and now the hiring manager wants to “chat”?

I professionally backed out of the interview process for this job as I’ve come to realize it’s not the right place for me and I’m pursuing other opportunities in the ideal location. I got 2 calls from the hiring manager today while at my current job and he left a message saying he was “shocked by me backing out” and that I’m “definitely in the running still.” He also mentioned to call him back so we can chat.

I’m just confused as to what else should be said? I’ve already backed out I’m not sure why they would say I’m still in the running for the job. Or what he would want to talk about? Has anyone else encountered this?

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I politely backed out of the interview process and now the hiring manager wants to “chat”? I politely backed out of the interview process and now the hiring manager wants to “chat”? Reviewed by Louhi on février 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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