I like my boss a lot but I have suspicions he’s going to make the new middle manager my boss. I hate the new middle manager. If my boss does tell me he’s going to make him my boss is it ok to politely request that not happen because the middle manager is rude and abrasive?

Is that something that’s ok to do? I’m an entry level position but I’ve been there a few months longer than the new middle manager. I do think my boss sees at least a little bit of his attitude problem but I don’t know her extent of what he sees. I think my boss likes me better as a person but the newer guy has more seniority and is given more responsibility. I see how he treats the one guy he is in charge of already and it’s not great.

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I like my boss a lot but I have suspicions he’s going to make the new middle manager my boss. I hate the new middle manager. If my boss does tell me he’s going to make him my boss is it ok to politely request that not happen because the middle manager is rude and abrasive? I like my boss a lot but I have suspicions he’s going to make the new middle manager my boss. I hate the new middle manager. If my boss does tell me he’s going to make him my boss is it ok to politely request that not happen because the middle manager is rude and abrasive? Reviewed by Louhi on février 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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