Graduated with a useless bachelor’s, what do?

Beginning to panic and feel hopeless. Graduated in December with a history degree (with no intention on going to teach) from a good school, been applying since then and it’s just now setting in why everyone says the job market is a soul sucker. I’m afraid I’m going to have to go back to Papa John’s just to afford rent in the coming months.

Is there any job fields I should be looking towards that are good for entry level applicants? I’m aware I’ll be lucky if I even get to make over 30k, I’m just kind of flustered as to what to be applying for at this point outside of typical small managerial positions for retailers.

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Graduated with a useless bachelor’s, what do? Graduated with a useless bachelor’s, what do? Reviewed by Louhi on février 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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