Graduated 8 months ago, started looking 15 months ago, is it time to consider leaving the country?

I graduated last May with a Bachelor's degree in Finance and Accounting. I started looking for post-grad employment in my second-to-last semester. Since November of 2017 I have applied for about 10 jobs a day on average, some days less, some days more. I've sent out around 4,500 applications since then for jobs in every major metro area in the Midwest (CHI, Twin Cities, KC, STL, Des Moines, Omaha) as well as the smaller city where I currently live, and have had a total of 6 interviews, all for civil service positions in local government. I've tried using various temp and staffing agencies like Robert Half, and while they contact me periodically asking to submit me for positions, I've never made it to an interview, let alone had a job offer.

Since graduating I've been juggling various retail jobs for $8.00 an hour while also working overnight as a custodian. My last position ended 3 weeks ago as it was only a seasonal position for the holidays.

Right now i have $6 in my checking account and I haven't eaten in 3 days. I don't have the money to go back to grad school and my GPA (3.76) isn't good enough to get into a competitive program anyways. Moving back home isn't an option as my parents disowned me when they found out I was gay; we haven't spoken in over two years.

I don't really want to leave the country, but it seems like teaching English in Asia or Latin America is my only chance to escape poverty at this point. Its very scary and teaching isn't really something I want to do but it seems like my only option short of joining the military, which I absolutely do not want to do.

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Graduated 8 months ago, started looking 15 months ago, is it time to consider leaving the country? Graduated 8 months ago, started looking 15 months ago, is it time to consider leaving the country? Reviewed by Louhi on février 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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