Why does everyone keep telling me to get a new job before I quit my current one?

Tl;dr: don't like job much but lasted a year and did well. 23 year old software developer, have savings, want to take time off, travel and decompress. And EVERYONE I tell this to says "Oh cool... But find a job first". I don't know why?

Rant version/more info: been working as a software developer for a year (recent grad, I'm 23). While this is my first job and I don't have a lot to compare it to, I kind of disliked it from day one for a lot of reasons, but I toughed it out for a year.

Anyway, my goal of lasting a year has been achieved and I want to quit and travel for ~1 month and generally unwind a few months, but EVERYONE I tell this to says "Oh that's cool... But you should probably have another job lined up before you quit." Everyone. If I ask why they say that, I never get a real answer.

I don't know if they think I'm going to go broke or not be able to find a job for a year or something, but I just spent a year working full time, I have savings that would last me years if need be (I live pretty frugally and have very few financial responsibilities besides rent and groceries). Plus I have a degree in computer science and experience as a software developer... I don't think I'd be fucking myself over by taking time off but everyone makes me second guess it.

Why is this the norm to say this? Sure, if I'm married with kids or have a mortgage or whatever, I get it. But why is everyone so "once a working man, you should always have a job"? I'm 23. Half my friends are still in 5th year, getting a master's or working retail. Which is fine, but why can't I take a break?

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Why does everyone keep telling me to get a new job before I quit my current one? Why does everyone keep telling me to get a new job before I quit my current one? Reviewed by Louhi on décembre 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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