I'm 20, careening towards college graduation, and feeling incredibly lost in the job search. Advice needed.
Hello redditors,
As I approach the beginning of my final semester of college, I am careening towards a whole load of unknowns (especially in regards to getting a job) and have no idea how to deal with them, so any advice would be appreciated.
I am receiving an English degree this Spring, roughly 4 1/2 months from now. I don't regret my degree choice at all, as it's the field I am most passionate about. I have been able to do play-writing, film making, and delve deep into a whole host of subjects I previously knew very little about. It's been a broad education that I've appreciated very much.
It was only during the midway point of this past semester that I found out I would be graduating at the end of this academic year. It turns out a lot of my AP credits from high school racked up and I would be graduating a year early. I was a bit elated- I was not exactly chomping at the bit to return to my small college-town for another year. However this meant that most of my hopes for getting an internship this summer completely evaporated, as most require you to be currently enrolled in college to get them.
I have very little idea what I want to do with my life, or how to even go about achieving the inkling of ideas that I do possess. I really enjoy writing and performing and have gotten to do a lot of that here at my current University, so I was thinking about going into entertainment. However I recognize the job limitations of this career path and honestly am completely lost as to how to go about achieving any of my goals there.
Anyways, sorry if this was rambling and seemed to be going nowhere! I now have some questions I'd like to pose, and feel free to answer any or all of them.
-Is it worth it to perhaps add a minor to graduate later and apply for summer internships, as opposed to applying to jobs outright?
-Am I absolutely fucked for not having gotten an internship? I should clarify that I do have a student technician position in video production that i've held for about a year with a college within the university, and i've gained so much skill with various editing software, live production technology, and cameras. Is this a good substitute for never having gotten an internship?
-I feel incredibly drawn to Los Angeles or New York as potential cities after college. Do I need to move to these places before applying to jobs there?
-This is the biggest question, the most existential, but the one i'm looking for the most realist answer to: Should I give up my dreams? I love writing, I love performing, I love making videos and films and such. I'm also riddled with self-doubt as to whether I'm good enough at any of them. Of course my friends tell me otherwise, but they are my friends and it is their job to support me unconditionally. I would love real, no bullshit answers here. I know people who have gone into this field, and all most of them have done is rough it out doing menial labor in the hopes that they can one day maybe achieve that dream. I've seen none of them really do it yet. I don't know if I'm cut out for that. I honestly don't know if I'm just too fragile to function within this world. I'm incredibly anxious. I just don't now if I can do it.
-Even if I give up my dream, how do I go about finding a job when I have very little idea what I want to do? Like, on its most basic level, what websites or events should I be visiting?
I hope this post makes any sense, or if anyone can provide me any answers or comfort here. It's just hit me like a truck today that tomorrow is that last day of 2018, and 2019 begins in two days, and that 2019 is the year I graduate and get a job and really get my shit together. And frankly, I'm afraid I didn't prepare myself with any of the tools to make any of that happens.
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