Shady job interview wants me to 'ride' with them to the location. Refuses to give me the direct address of the place I will interview at. I'm not sure what to think, any advice?

So I typically get several job 'emails' a year that are people looking for the "ultimate" IT tech, and are asking for WAY to much for WAY to low of pay. So 99/100 I just ignore them. Something like "Doesn't pay travel, must be willing to travel across state for 3000 users. Must know how to code and program as well as work as network admin. Pays 30k a year."

Well about a month ago I got an email from a woman we will call Dee. Dee starts off asking me "What do you do now?" and "How long have you worked at [Current Job]?" Nothing special. Now I was pretty excited about said job because:

A. Its the same shift as my current job.
B. Its a government job.
C. Its at my skill level.
D. Its pay is decent, but the benefits are fucking killer.


E. The company found me and wanted to hire me. Not the other way around.

Well over the last two weeks I continually email Dee about the position and several of the things about the job change. First the time changes. Something I cannot do. I work mid-days and not for no reason, but because I don't have a choice (for reasons I won't go into here.) Next the benefits change. Initially the job was 50K + Retirement at is 6% of your pay and everything over 6% they comp 50%. Now thats not true. I still have the email with the details for the job.

Next the pay changes to 40k a year.

So I start talking to my fiance about it and she points something strange out: The first conversation we had was "Hey look I have a job opportunity in your field through the government, if you aren't interested let me know now, I don't need my time wasted." I start re-reading our email conversation and it says the EXACT same thing. Its actually far more rude in the email saying in bold at the bottom (and easily missable) "DON'T WASTE MY TIME!" In bold, but you have to scroll to see it.

Well, after asking about the details of the job in my, like 50th, phone conversation with her she still won't give them. Its "all over [City]" and "I'm not sure exactly what you do, its working with computers or something. Yeah something like that."

So in our last conversation she wants us to meet before the interview, in public, and then have me ride with her to the interview place. I told her I would follow her, but she replied back "NO YOU MUST RIDE!"

So I did some digging and found that:

A. She does work for this place.
B. It is a real recruiting agency.
C. The job does exist.
D. Its nothing like she described.
E. She only cares about numbers.

What the fuck? Any advice?

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Shady job interview wants me to 'ride' with them to the location. Refuses to give me the direct address of the place I will interview at. I'm not sure what to think, any advice? Shady job interview wants me to 'ride' with them to the location. Refuses to give me the direct address of the place I will interview at. I'm not sure what to think, any advice? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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