Just graduated with my master’s degree and considering going back to old job after two months of job hunting.

I had a position in account management at a large company and was there for about 10 months before leaving to earn my master’s in marketing. I have been on the job hunt for about two months now and am highly considering returning to my old job. Is this a bad move? The base salary is pretty low, but I made a decent amount in commission. I feel like the work is a bit monotonous and simple but I really enjoyed the company culture, PTO, and benefits.

Does it make sense to go back to my old company and commit at least another year there before searching again. Or, should I keep searching for other work now?

Honestly, I am still a bit unsure about what I want to “do” in life and so this is adding another layer of confusion onto the situation. But I feel the pressure to make money again and get back into a routine.

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Just graduated with my master’s degree and considering going back to old job after two months of job hunting. Just graduated with my master’s degree and considering going back to old job after two months of job hunting. Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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