Advice for moving from Internal Medicine to something else?


I've been working as a physician in Internal Medicine in the United States but wish to switch to a different field. It seems like medical practice is more about churning out documentation than about using science to help people; I believe that this is ethically and morally wrong. If you're interested, more details regarding my reasons for wishing to leave medical practice can be found in posts here and here. I'm still considering IT work but would like your input about other possibilities.

Some background info:

  • I live in the Pacific Northwest and am not interested in leaving again. Any further training and work would preferably be located within a two-hour drive of Portland due to religious commitments I have there regularly.
  • I went straight from high school to college to medical school to residency to clinical practice without taking time off for other pursuits.
  • I did a science major in college and a math minor. The science was basically to get the background education for medical school, but the math was what I actually found interesting. My favorite math course was the one in number theory.
  • My educational loans are paid off.

Some other criteria for my desired job:

  • 40-hour work week, ideally in an 8 hours per day × 5 days per week format.
  • Due to previously mentioned commitments, working on Sunday is not ideal.
  • I would prefer time-based pay (e.g., hourly wage) rather than salary. My experience from medicine has been that salary work leads to abuse of the workers. Maybe other fields are not like that?

What I DON'T want to do:

  • Sales work. I believe that the vast majority of products are unnecessary, so it would be difficult for me to honestly try to convince someone to buy them.
  • Managerial work, unless I'm regularly doing some of the same work as the people I'm overseeing.
  • Research. This is entirely because I have no interest in writing proposals to convince someone to provide funds for whatever project. The actual experimentation, data gathering, analysis, etc. I could do.
  • Work that requires travel.
  • Work that requires after-hours call.
  • Work that requires frequently divided or changing attention. I like to focus on one patient/project/task at a time and then move on to the next.

My skills:

  • Listening and paying attention to people.
  • Paying attention to detail.
  • Triaging responsibilities based on urgency or importance.
  • Piano performance at an amateur level.
  • Comfortable using Windows and Linux, including command-line.

Previous experience:

  • Various research assistant or research volunteer work in college and medical school. Activities including audio transcription, chromatography, data entry, immunohistochemistry, summarization of journal articles, and test runs of research apparatus.
  • Website content manager in college (work-study job). Primarily creating or editing web pages using a content management system.
  • Lab technician in high school.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Your thoughts?

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Advice for moving from Internal Medicine to something else? Advice for moving from Internal Medicine to something else? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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