A confusing time with opportunities.

Greetings r/jobs. This is something very serious and am not sure where to go for advice right now. Normally I can handle these sort of things or ask my family about it, but I want to see what the world will say about it.

A little background, I've been working a Security job for awhile and want to leave it, I'm currently studying Electrical techniques to become an Electrician but also am good with pulling wiring and connecting things together. I've been looking for a new company to work with and found a networking installation company that will hire me once I finished some in-class training for them.

However, before I got with these guys, I had spoken to someone in the Electronics division of my Security company (installing the access control devices) and had hoped to transfer to that branch instead of being a Security Guard. I didn't hear anything for almost a month and already I've begun sorting out a schedule with the network installation company when I get a text today from the Electronics division that they want to "have a day" for me to see what sort of work they do and will be seeing me on Tuesday while my in class training is on Wednesday before I start with the Networking company (which will have me working possibly the Thursday of that week and the Tuesday and Thursday going forward).

Originally I was planning to give my two-weeks to the Security company on Wednesday when I finish the in-class training, should I let the Electronics division guy know now or wait to see after the Tuesday to make a decision? What sort of things should I say? I've been waiting to hear from this guy for awhile and only now do I get wind of it but he went through some effort to get this sorted so I want to be thankful to him.

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A confusing time with opportunities. A confusing time with opportunities. Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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