Quitting my job soon while in the process of publishing public health research. Can I still ask to be listed as an author?
I’ve been in charge of a research project over the past year or so, and we’ve been gearing up to publish our research. I’ve had to wrangle the data, understand its limitations, and presented at a conference about our research.
The paper will be more nuanced and focused on one of the outcomes. A different colleague has been focusing on the analyses.
We’re still in the fairly early stages, but I would love to get a paper out of this job. I had no idea we’d be publishing when I was interviewing, and accepting my new job and actually deciding to publish happened concurrently (my supervisor calls the shot on published research).
When I give my notice, is it appropriate to ask for authorship given my extensive involvement in this research area for our team? I can see how they could justify it being a “well, sucks, you dipped before we published”, but still…maybe I could offer to continue offering my knowledge of the data and such as we draft up the paper?
I guess presenting at a national conference is still a great takeaway for my resume, but obviously would love to be listed as an author if possible.
Any advice on how to navigate this?
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