So last August, I applied for a role as a property accountant at a hotel chain. Did not get it. So fast forward to today, the general manager emailed me asking if I’m still interested in the role and he’s doing interviews again. This was out of the blue so I was a little shooketh. Back then, I would say yes In a heart beat. I want to go back in the hospitality industry and also the location is literally 10 mins away. However, in 2 months, I’ll be moving and if I do take this job, it’ll be a 45 min commute one way. Should I just do the interview just to see what they can offer? I’m not really interested being an accountant anymore nor being in the hospitality industry. I’m currently unemployed which was my own decision to take a break and figure out what I want to do with my life and career. Anyways, what should I do?
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