I’ve been in the application status for 3 months now. The role I originally applied for got fulfilled internally. I got to the stage before the final interview.
The recruiter had set me up with another role they were hiring for and I spoke with the hiring manager. Things had gone well where they wanted to resume where I was in the process in the original role for this current role.
The recruiter went on PTO and after several follow ups, I never heard back. Finally I get an email from a different recruiter a month later that the original recruiter left the company. I had a call with that new recruiter last week. They missed the first call due to a family emergency then was 15 minutes late to the rescheduled call where they only called me after I emailed them. After speaking with the recruiter they said to email my availability for the final interview this week. It’s been over a week now and they are radio silent even after a couple follow up emails. The interview is clearly not happening this week.
What do I do? Wait and be patient? Avoid - there’s too many red flags here? Email the hiring manager as a last resort about the process and that I am still interested?
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