Fish Biologist, PhD in search of career advice in industry or consulting firms


This is my first time posting on reddit, so please forgive me if I make any mistakes or drone on too long. My work focuses on freshwater fishes (although I worked with amphibians, too). For my dissertation, I studied fish communication networks from a hormonal perspective. Many fish produce sounds during specific behavioral interactions (e.g. mating or fighting), and I played the vocalizations back to individual fish and measured their hormonal response. I also spent time measuring stress in response to anthropogenic noise. My research background is a mixture of behavior, ecology, and physiology.

After defending, I accepted a term position with a government lab (I don't want to call out the specific agency). They were interested in my work on stress, and it seemed like a good opportunity since I was not completely sold on the idea of staying in academia. They were primarily a genetics lab, and I made it abundantly clear during the interview that my expertise was physiology, not genetics. But they had not had a physiologist in-house for several years, and they said they wanted one on staff. Without going into all of the details, it was not a good opportunity. They refused to purchase even basic supplies for the work I needed to conduct (they spent thousands each month on genetics reagents, so funding wasn't really an issue). I wrote about 5 different proposals that were initially supported, but funding was pulled last minute. They assigned me to tech-like assistant roles. I was also the only woman on the team (which may have been a contributing factor). The last straw was when I had to be placed on administrative leave for about 2 weeks since they "lost my paperwork" and I was a "liability and could not be on-site". There were other issues too; my supervisor would constantly use my anxiety to bring my performance into question (in front of other employees, I might add). My graduate advisor ended up bringing me back to her lab as a postdoc, which saved my sanity. That brings me here.

The postdoc is not meant to be a long-term solution. After my brief stint with the government, I am very hesitant to return; although I realize my experience may have been an outlier. Prior to being offered the postdoc, I was applying to any relevant position to escape. I applied to a number of positions with consulting firms (e.g. environmental consulting group looking for a fish biologist). At this point, I'd like a stable career that utilizes my skills - a tall order these days, I fear. If anyone has experience with transitioning to a consulting or industry oriented career, I would love to hear your input. If there are any early-career academics out there, I would appreciate your advice as well!

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Fish Biologist, PhD in search of career advice in industry or consulting firms Fish Biologist, PhD in search of career advice in industry or consulting firms Reviewed by Louhi on juin 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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