Accepted job offer 3 weeks ago, another job has offered me a position yesterday, unsure what to do?

So, some clarification. I was fired end of February and began the job search, was surprised to find quite a few companies interested and willing to do phone and in-person interviews with me.

The job I accepted and have worked 3 weeks now (we’ll call job X to make it simple) I had my interview with this company early March and was told I’d hear something within a day or 2. I heard back that very afternoon and was sent an offer letter.

The week prior I had a phone interview with job Y. This one I was approached by a recruiter.

Unfortunately, I had a great interview and the branch manager thought I was a great fit, but the company decided to just hire someone internally. Wasting my time and the recruiters time, so I made the decision to take the job offer I already had on the table, although job Y would have been my first choice.

Fast forward to yesterday, and recruiter calls me and leaves me a message saying that another position has opened up for job Y, that they were not looking to hire anyone internally this time, and that the branch manager wanted the recruiter to reach out to me. (Granted, this recruiter had told him I had accepted a job offer and been working there now 3 weeks)

I thought it over last night and decided that I would call the recruiter back, but make it very clear that if I were to have another interview with job Y again, about this new position, I’ll only speak to them if they’re willing to offer a signing bonus and a 1 year job contract.

The recruiter said that this made complete sense to him given the circumstances of what happened originally, and he would present that to the branch manager and we’d go from there.

My question is, was it the right move to put that stipulation in place given what occurred 3 weeks ago?

Would love some feedback! Thank you!

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Accepted job offer 3 weeks ago, another job has offered me a position yesterday, unsure what to do? Accepted job offer 3 weeks ago, another job has offered me a position yesterday, unsure what to do? Reviewed by Louhi on avril 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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