I am a final year student applying for a job at my university. They have this standardised form that I have to fill out that asks for two references that must be able to comment on my experience, knowledge and ability to do the position I applied for. They ask for the first reference to be my current or most recent employer.
I did have a part-time job that I quit a few months ago because I moved (lockdown, no point of staying in the city where my uni is) and I have very good relationship with my former boss, so it's not a problem to put her as a reference, however, I was a food runner at a restaurant while getting my degree, so she can't really comment on my ability to perform in this corporate job.
I also have a very good relationship with my course-leader who is a senior lecturer at my uni and I've worked closely with him in the past few months, he knows about my passion and dedication for the role I am applying for and I think he'd be much more suitable as a "first reference"... However, I don't know if it's okay, since the university is not my employer
Should I put him as first or not?
Also a side question: I am applying for a role that I am perfectly qualified for and has a "graduate" salary (even though not explicitly stating it's a grad role). There is another role in the same department that is a bit more advanced and has a higher salary, that I could possibly do, but it would definitely be a bigger challenge and I might not even get considered since I'm only a graduate. Should I apply for both, just to "try my luck" or will that be perceived as not being committed enough to the first role?
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