I used to work at a coffee shop, have been unemployed since last March, and have been getting by on unemployment and some money I inherited from my late grandparents.
I've since realized that I definitely needed to change my line of work anyway, for my own health. As of recently I've injured my knee and am waiting to see if I'm approved for Medicaid or other financial assistance for the surgery. In the meantime I've been searching for something I can do from home. I have experience with various things besides coffee, such as customer service and technology, but I haven't been to college for any of them. My main interests are art, music and design, but I'm resigning to the fact that I can't live on any of those as of now. I've considered looking into courses I might be able to take to make myself more employable, but I'm drawing a blank.
Does anyone have any advice on what a smart next step would be?
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