Managing guilt over (maybe) leaving after 9 years

My current job is the one I've had since I finished college and I've been here over 9 years. I generally like what I do, the people I work with, and I'd be lying if I said I've been treated badly over those years (good pay increases, a couple promotions that came with bonuses, etc.). Changing companies is something I've always been open to but haven't really pursued with 1 or 2 exceptions. It's not that I hate where I am, or even dislike it, I just feel like things could be better in a few different ways and I don't foresee those happening anytime soon. At the same time, I think this move would be good for my career.

Last week a recruiter reached out to me about an opportunity at another company in the same industry (not a competitor, they just serve a different role in the industry). He and I have talked a couple of times on the phone (including this afternoon) and I have a first-round virtual interview with an HR person tomorrow. So, things are moving forward and the recruiter thinks I have a great shot based on my experience. The kicker is my potential new manager is someone I used to work with at my current company before she moved to this new one. Small industry lol

Where I am now I'm on a small team. We're working on growing (we need the help) but things have been moving more slowly than we'd like (COVID hasn't helped). I just can't help this gut feeling of anxiety/guilt that I'd be leaving my team behind and making the tough workload we have even harder with 1 less person. I have a great relationship with my current manager – I've been with her since day 1 – and she's had my back pretty consistently over the years. So part of me feels like I'd be letting her down, though I think this would be a good move for me.

This is normal, right? I can't be the first person to feel this way even when this is all still very hypothetical. But how do you deal with it? Do I just say to myself "take care of me, they'll be ok" or "how they cope isn't my problem" (though that one seems a bit mean)? I'm also worried about falling into a "the grass is always greener" trap here, too, but my gut tells me this would be the right thing to do if the new company will have me.

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Managing guilt over (maybe) leaving after 9 years Managing guilt over (maybe) leaving after 9 years Reviewed by Louhi on février 16, 2021 Rating: 5

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