Should I apply for a second job?! I think I went from a part-time worker to an unofficial prn worker

I don't want to give away where I work or my profession but here is my dilemma.

Since January I worked at Job A and made 8 dollars an hour. It is my first job ever and it was super flexible. I always wanted to work Job B but because I didn't have the experience/availability I was never able to get one. Then, I finally landed Job B. I was overjoyed and it pays twice as much as Job A. The original plan was to work both Job A and B then quit Job A in December so I can work more at Job B. Unfortunately, I suck at Job B and as a result of my poor job performance I have little to no hours a week for slowing everyone down by not knowing what to do and relying on others too much and making errors. I have a plan to get better and I am gradually but because of the little hours I get I am not sure if I will get better on time. I have no set schedule anymore. I would work like 5.5 hours one day and my next shift wouldn't be until another week and a half. Then the shift I was scheduled after that day would get canceled and there would be a 2 week gap between the days I actually get to work. I think I have until the end of the year to fix myself or I will be let go. I'm already putting in my last week for Job A so if I lose Job B I will be jobless. Guess I will never move out. I understand that I have to earn my hours back by improving but how can I do that if I am never there. They are trying to keep me but honestly im starting to find that hard to believe, which is sad because they are nice and patient people. Is this normal and Im overreacting or is this totally unfair. Now its hard to plan my life because I am not sure if I am truly able to work some days or not. I am afraid to plan things sometimes because I want to be ready in case a co worker calls out so I can hop in. I am literally almost praying for someone to call out or maybe even quit at this point and I feel terrible for thinking like a shark. If it wasn't for the one time someone called out and I was asked to come, I would have went 3 straight weeks without working. What if I was trying to live on that and that was my only job?! Even then I still have tuition and car payments to make which can easily drain my bank account now that I am quitting Job A. Maybe I should apply for another Job B (same position). I doubt they will pay me as much but now Im losing too much money. I have a new habit or checking my schedule at least once every hour, sometimes a few times at night too. I sometimes have trouble sleeping because of what will happen if I am let go and how bad I feel for potentially overwhelming the people I work with and letting them down, even if they seem patient and kind.

I know that this is a result of my poor job performance that has slowed down my place of work, but do I have a right to be upset at this. I have no experience in the field, and this is my FIRST YEAR working. In a way I am sorta starting from zero. I think most of my coworkers had already worked in a Job B environment prior. I am the youngest person there (not even 20 yet) and sometimes the place gets SUPER BUSY which overwhelms and scares me sometimes and that makes me mess up more. I feel like the only reason why I wasn't let go is because of pity and they are just dragging it out just in case I magically get better somehow. They already hired two more people and honestly soon they will get adjusted and there will be no reason them to keep me. I feel bad because one of them I see sometimes is really nice but I see him as my potential replacement. I want to have a conversation with my boss to explain that I am uncertain I can meet the job expectations under my schedule situation but I do not want to come across as confrontational or a whiny entitled munch.

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Should I apply for a second job?! I think I went from a part-time worker to an unofficial prn worker Should I apply for a second job?! I think I went from a part-time worker to an unofficial prn worker Reviewed by Louhi on décembre 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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