i dont know how to ask for more hours at my job

okay so right away ill say im only 17 so i think that can affect the situation but ive been working at my pizza place job sence i was 14 almost 15. starting there i got 15-20 hours for a few months and i was consitantly asking for more hours and i went from that to 30 to a few times as much as 40 hours a week every week while i was at school and i honestly really enjoyed it, i mean most days i got up at 7:30 for school and wouldnt get home till 1am but i felt incredibly productive and proud of myself as well as making lots of money. along with that i was really good and consistent at my job and never showed signs of being over worked, if they asked me to close 5 days, id without hesitation take it, but eventually over the course of my 3 years there they strated hiring a few new people and they took all my closing shift going from a 9 hour shifts to 6 hour shifts which very quikly affected my pay check. as for right now my manager schedules me for 2-3 shifts, 10-15 hours 1 week then the next can be 20. its so random and my pay cheques every 2 week arent that great and im really struggling.

And yea before i was 16 i pretty much just saved as much as i can for a car and the rest was disposible income but now im paying rent to my mum and have a car insurance and a phone bill to take care of and im being left with no money left over and sometimes even coming up short, not to mention im moving out after i graduate and possibly moving away.

i need to know how to really drive the point home that i need the hours to him, i ask every week "hey man i could really use a few more hours and i can take any extra shifts if there are any" but im always left with a "ill try but we have all the closing shifts filled and everyone else have most of the other shifts blah blah blah" basically i used to be the main 1 out of 3 people to close the store and thats gone for seemignly no reason.

any advice would be greatly appriciated thank you

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i dont know how to ask for more hours at my job i dont know how to ask for more hours at my job Reviewed by Louhi on décembre 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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