Drone job....final stage interview. It's a long read....

I don't really expect anyone to read this but I guess I just wanted to post about it because I'm in the anxious waiting stage and I really have no one to talk to about it. I think maybe writing it here will help me feel like I've got it off my chest or something, I'm not sure. It's long too.

Back in march, I lost my job due to covid. So I started applying for jobs and trainee Jobs. I'm an outdoor instructor but that industry hasn't done well in the pandemic. I'm happy to change industry if it's something I'd enjoy.

In June, I came across an advert for trainee engineer inspectors. It was quite vaugue and didn't give much information but it did say the job involved a lot of travel and work outside. I've got no engineering experience at all. But I applied anyway because what's the worst that can happen.

I heard nothing back.

In September, I had an email from the same company. It was thanking me for my application to become a drone pilot (trainee). I assumed they had kept my CV on file or something?

Any way. The email said if I didn't hear back within 3-5 days I could assume I was unsuccessful.

I did some research on the company and left it at that. I didn't hear back in the time frame.

Then, at the end of September, I got an email from HR. They asked if I were available for a phone interview in a few weeks. I told them I was and we arranged a date. The guy who called was really interested in past jobs I'd had and he said he thought I'd be a great fit. He told me details, asked questions and then I asked some questions. Seemed to go ok but I don't like to get my hopes up. So I decided to bury any thoughts of working with them. The guy told me they'd had 600 applicants. So why would they choose me anyway.

A week later, I got an email from HR. This stated that I'd done well and they'd like to set a date for an interview via teams. It was with head of HR and head of the drone department. I was quite nervous but did my best to research the company etc.

The interview came around and tbh, I thought it was awful. On my behalf. I mean the interview itself was good but I definitely came across as being nervous. I got some words muddled at times.

The interview ended with them both thanking me for my time and telling me they'd be in touch. I honestly took this as a bad sign and I went a walk to take my mind off.

Three days later I got a phone call from the head of HR. She said they were really impressed with me and wanted to invite me to the next stage. I was speechless. I agreed and thanked her. She recommended I buy a drone and practise manoeuvres etc. She also said I'd hear back in about two weeks as the guy who was interviewing was on holiday. I was going to be partaking in a skills test (drone flying) and a formal interview with the COO. I also had to undertake multiple psychometric tests online.

Honestly, I was really nervous by this point. Who wouldn't be though.

Two weeks passed and I'd heard nothing. I thought maybe they'd found someone better or something. Another week passed and nothing.

I wanted to reach out via email but wasn't sure how. I eventually emailed asking a few questions about the interview and I was asked if I could come in next week (a few weeks ago). I agreed and got practising a bit more. I had a wisdom tooth removal in that gap and hadn't practised for about a week.

I'm not great with fashion but I was told to go casual. I just went for some black smart Chino type trousers and a nice sweater. Plain. I wore trainers because I knew I was doing some walking and flying tests.

So the date for the interview changed three times. That was fine. The reasons didn't make sense though and the job description does say you need to be flexible and adaptable. So I wondered if the date changes were actually some form of test. I dunno, it didn't affect me anyway..

So the day of the interview. I'm ten minutes early. I go to the toilet on the way up to the top floor office and I go inside. There's a waiting area and more doors. These doors are locked and it's pre 9am. I can't see anyone at reception.

I take a seat. I go up and look again at five to. No one there. Take a seat. I notice a box on the wall, it has a dial pad and a bell button. I hesitate for a second but press it anyway. The LOUDEST bell starts ringing. I have this immediate image of the building evacuating etc. Instant terror. But actually, a nice man answered the door and said "ah you must be name". Introduces himself and asks me to take my temp and sign in. He tells me the coo is in a meeting that's running over and someone will be with me shortly. He takes me to the coffee machine and wishes me luck and leaves me with another of the pilots. I introduce myself and chat to him about projects he's working on etc. He seems nice and chats back to me then gives me a quick tour of the office. Shows me the guy who looks after the kit but he's quite busy and just gives me a friendly smile and wave.

Part way through the mini unplanned tour, another friendly guy introduces himself. He's the one doing the flight test with me. I say bye to the nice pilot guy and we go downstairs after we collect the drone I'll be using. We got on instantly and made a lot of chat about mountain biking and the like. I ask him a few questions about the job as general chit chat.

We get downstairs and get the drone out. I get a quick introduction to the controls and I explained how the differed to my beginner drone.

I was pretty nervous incase it was much more difficult, I'm only a beginner but did want to show I'd been working on my skills.

I got the drone off the ground well and managed to hover steadily. I had a couple of small landing incidents but managed to progress to a more difficult movement with a bit of coaching. This lasted around ten minutes (two batteries!).

We chatted during this, about random things, how I never knew what to wear in interviews etc. Also spoke about the job and how much practise there would be ( five weeks for trainees).

On the way back up he gave me some feedback. He said overall my drone skills were really good. He was surprised at how quickly I picked things up and said I was really coachable. Made me so happy because I had been practising really hard.

Up in the office we went back to the coffee machine, I said hello to everyone (with a smile, but mask so probably no one noticed). Everyone was really lovely. I got some water and nice guy got some coffee.

The coo arrived a few minutes later and got himself a coffee, made some jokes about how he'd been drinking too much caffeine etc. Asked me where I was from etc.

Asked me and nice pilot guy to the interview room.

We passed through the HR office and I said hello to everyone..

In the board room it was just me, coo and nice drone guy. We started by De masking because it was a large room.

He'd printed my CV off but said he didn't do one for me because he thought I'd know it. I said I think I knew most of it, they both laughed and then I was suddenly worried I'd made a joke too early.

He asked me why I'd applied to work for them and I told him honestly. I said, all of the components of this job make it a dream career for me. I talking through all of the things that made it and the company appealing to me. He asked about my past and I told him about college and jobs etc.

He asked how I dealt with pressure. I explained I had worked at sea in rough conditions with kids, often driving a speed boat near them in open water. I explained that I thought I had learned to deal with pressure well as I'd essentially been responsible for the lives of children on activities for a long time. I said some other stuff and I explained I thought this could prove useful in controlling expensive drones near power lines and flames etc.

He agreed and confirmed that with nice drone guy.

I spoke about my love of the outdoors (it's an outdoor job) and also that I'm a bit of a gamer and love being involved with tech. He made a joke about his son having a gaming system and asked if I had one, just a nice flow to the chat I guess. Felt sort of comfortable but nervous.

He asked me a few more questions then the tone of the interview changed.

He asked me if I were a confident driver. I told him I was and that I'd experience of driving a minibus and that I did Amazon deliveries. He said that's great as most people only had experience of small cars.

He asked if I had any questions. My initial question was, how would my first six months look. I was interested to know about training and over seas trips etc. They both explained this and it went on for a while. I sort of threw side questions in like how often, per month, would a drone pilot spend in the office etc . They were both great at explaining everything. Told me about PPE, days off, how weather affects work. They asked me if I was comfortable knowing that I could be away from home a lot. I agreed that I was as I'd worked seasonal jobs over seas for years and I missed the traveling.

Then he looked at nice drone guy and said they should probably talk about salary.

They explained the trainee rate and that as soon as I was on a job it would go up to another amount. Then they explained that the rates double and triple for certain trips. They explained the most days are supposed to be eight hours but actually were more like ten but you do get extra pay for that. They told me that they wanted to have the trainee pilots starting at the end of January.

I didn't say much about salary but I made it clear it sounded good to me. I mentioned my last job didn't pay well as it was an internship so I guess they'd know I'd be happy with it.

From there, I could tell the interview was winding down. Nice drone guy told me that the bags we walk with are big but not heavy in slightest and I told him that it sounded really good. I wonder if I should have said more here? I don't know..

I asked a final two questions and that was how many positions they had open. The coo explained that there was 3 or 4 positions. I also asked how I did on my psychometric tests. He said that he had a look at them and they were all good, no issues at all. He said I could email for the results if I really wanted.

Lastly the coo said he wanted to go over next steps. He told me that I will hear back in the next two weeks. He said they might be able to give an update in one week but it's unlikely. Maybe didn't want to commit.

I'm super nervous.

The two weeks are up on Tuesday. My brain is playing major games with me and telling me I should have asked more questions or that I didn't do well enough. Mental torture of some sort, why do we do this to ourselves.

Anyway. I feel much better for writing this down. I feel like I can probably chill out a bit.

I wonder, if anyone made it this far, does it sound like they will get back. Is it likely they could ghost. Do I give more than two weeks just incase. They took longer before. These questions are all unanswerable but it's only human to wonder if someone has an answer. I know they don't..

I have spent a lot of time reading about interviews etc. I noticed that none of the things I've read are to do with this sort of job.

So I hope that maybe, someone will be in a similar situation and this will help them. Maybe they'll have a different type of interview that there's not much information on....

Much love and thanks for reading if you made it,

An anxious person

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Drone job....final stage interview. It's a long read.... Drone job....final stage interview. It's a long read.... Reviewed by Louhi on décembre 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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