Applied for a Chem mix Technician position at a factory. Though I’m unsure if I’m actually qualified.. would someone here give me some insight based on what I provide?
So just some basic background: I’m 23 with an associates degree almost completing my biology bachelors. I’ve published my very own scientific article as first author (amazing achievement and can work as an important credential). Problem is, I’ve never worked at a factory before and I’m unsure if they would rather me apply for an “entry level” position.
The Chem Mix Technicians qualities prefer someone with a high school degree or higher and is much more higher paying than the entry level position. I’ve been in the workforce since I was 16 and this would be my first full time position. The Chem mix technician doesn’t have an “entry level” position stated like the other position that DOES say entry level.
So my question is: would an employer consider me for a position like this given if I don’t have any factory experience despite my credentials/achievements? My job history is clean and have only worked at 3 other places (entry level retail). What would be my chances of nailing a consideration and getting called for an interview?
I can provide more information if needed. Thanks!
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