It's soul crushing. And it keeps happening.
I'm in the in-house legal field, and most of my job interviews are structured to be extremely time-consuming (phone screen - hiring manager 1 - hiring manager 2 - written assessment or some kind of legal skills test - virtual panel interview with 4-6 people - offer). Getting to the final stage for any role has been extremely rare during COVID, and also slow.
Which is why it's infuriating when companies spend hours and hours interviewing you over a period of many months and then ghost after the final round. So far it's happened to me three times since March.
(1) The first company assured me during the final round that they are still moving forward with the role despite shutdowns. Then, ghosted me for 2 months and when prompted for a response said they are "holding off on a decision, for now." This happened late-March and I never heard from them again, and nobody filled the role lol. They got acquired and totally restructured.
(2) Second company, I was introduced via a referral from a law school alumni. Super friendly at first and moved me through to the final round quickly. They asked for 2 separate panel interviews over a week, and I took PTO from my current job to prepare for this. Gave me a bundle of docs and contracts to review and asked for my "thoughts." During the presentation, the general counsel (hiring manager) took copious notes of my presentation, thanked me, then ghosted me. I followed up after a month, and still haven't heard from them since November.
(3) Third company, it was possibly my dream job and I'm still reeling over this. I was actually referred BY the hiring manager who was a former coworker. I really thought I had a shot here. I had the very specialized skills they were looking for, an excellent academic and professional background, and I had a referral from... the..hiring manager himself. But nope. I still got ghosted, and the process was not any more respectful than my other experiences. Interviewed over a course of 3 months because they had the most particular steps. I took around 2-3 days of PTO for this process. Ghosted for 5 weeks post-final round, then got an email saying the position has been put on hold indefinitely and since they do not want to get in the way of me accepting any other offers, they will rescind my application for me. what??
The worst part is that you need to smile and grin it in case they decide to un-ghost you later. But getting ghosted at the final stages without the courtesy to straight up reject or provide feedback is just messed up and disrespectful. Anyone else going through something similar??
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