Which bench recruiters are worth interacting with? Answered as a Google Sheet.

Most job seekers receive so much bench recruiting spam, myself included. Eventually I decided I was going to track my interaction with these guys, both to distinguish between legit companies and bench recruiters, and to determine which are worth interacting with.

TL;DR almost all bench recruiters are probably not worth interacting with.

Legit C2C recruiters do exist, however rare. Their rare existence is enough to make tracking this sort of thing worth it to a job seeker.

Here is the Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Oc318LAq8WQIe0FTped5hXIddtsiOyPUXE6oVCjjVRc/edit?usp=sharing

You have editing permissions on this so you can also track your interactions, and we can share information. Feel free to add companies or reclassify depending on your interactions with them.

First of all some basic knowledge that is necessary to gain useful insight from this google sheet.

What is a headhunter? Also called executive recruiters, this is a third party recruiter whose business model is the traditional "relationship building" kind both with businesses and job seekers, trying to fill the gap. They get paid on commission from your first few month's salary (for example). Headhunters are usually worth interacting with. You never know what might come of it.

What is a C2C (corp to corp) recruiter? They also try to fill legitimate business needs at a third party, but their focus is usually not relationship based. Instead, their focus is more on reducing liability for the company that hires the candidate and reducing the rights of the candidates. This is done by hiring the job seeker directly instead of filling a position at the company they are contracting with.

What is a Bench Recruiter? In short they are wannabe C2C recruiters. Recruiters that spam job seekers and companies, but don't actually have any clients. It looks like they mostly make their money from stealing the personal information of job seekers.

When is it okay to share my SSN (in part or whole) or a copy of my photo ID? If you are applying to a government position (at a .gov site), it is okay to give this information in your job application. They won't ask for it by email. Private companies will only ask for this when giving you an offer, never before. Never give out this information to a company just because they ask. Legitimate companies won't ask until after they give you an offer. A company may also ask for this information if they are giving you an offer conditional on obtaining security clearance. In that case, they need the information to sponsor you for the security clearance.

If you don't want to click on the Google Doc, here is a summary of it. I hope using this information allows you to be efficient with your time in determining who is worth interacting with.

Priority 1 - High This is a legitimate C2C recruiter. I know because I worked for them and received a paycheck from them. They are worth interacting with. BA2CC

Priority 2 - Headhunters Headhunters are also worth interacting with. Sometimes their emails look like bench recruiter spam, so I am also tracking them on this sheet. Mondo Recruiting

Actus USA

Robert Walters


East West Consulting KK


Priority 2 - Not headhunters Adaptive Mobile has emails that look like bench recruiter spam even though they are not involved in bench recruiting. They may be worth replying to.

Priority 3 - Unsure These are likely spammers. They may be legitimate though. If you have some spare time, it is probably okay to interact with them. Abbtech Professional Resources

Vinay Choudhary

Capital Recruiters

Ask Staffing

infiCare Tech


Yochana IT Solutions


Exemplar ITS


Modern Agile Tech

Better Future Solutions


Orchestra Technology

Grey Matters Corp

Latitude 36




Priority 4 - Spammers I think you would probably have to be desperate to knowingly interact with a spammer. Still, these companies haven't showed any malintent to me.



Fountain Group

Piper Companies

Futran Solutions

Ascent Life Services

Resource Logistics

Priority 5 - Scammers These guys have showed they are scammers by asking for a copy of my photo ID or part of my SSN. None of this information is required for a job application. Do not interact with them at all. Ignore all their emails and calls.

Arthur Lawrence

Ace Technologies

Techgene Solutions


Quantum World

US Tech Solutions


Ace Stack

US Insigma


SBP Consulting


Aditi Consulting

IDC Technologies

KRG Technologies


Cloudpoint Systems

Let me know if you have any feedback.

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Which bench recruiters are worth interacting with? Answered as a Google Sheet. Which bench recruiters are worth interacting with? Answered as a Google Sheet. Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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