Unpopular opinion: Salary does NOT have to be advertised

I'm assuming most who have issue with this have never been in an Hiring Manager position before? I have and it's been interviewing 101 for me for as long as I can remember. I get the argument, I really do, which is it would save everyone a lot of time. Why go through the process if the salary is not in your ball park? Justified. HOWEVER, were does personal responsibility come into play? It could be that I come from a corporate background and that's all I know, but it's pretty easy to google the salary range to at least get an idea of what that employer offers. Not only that, YOU should know just what is completive in your own job field. I will use my former position at my former company as an example. (As I now know what the full pay scale was for the position.)

The range was $31K-$52K a year. I asked for $40K and got offered and brought on at $45K. (Again, was unaware of what the actual scale was, but had an idea of what to ask for.)

Do you not all realize scales exist due to experience? Using my former position which was in management, why should a fresh inexperienced candidate be brought on at $52K a year just as a well fleshed out and experienced candidate would? That's just not how it works nor should work. Other factors play into it as well. I was willing to relocate so they offered me an extra $5K a year.

Employers will lose candidates with potential if a scale based on experience is posted. You may feel disrespected by not being offered the highest. It's not a matter of disrespect, but EXPERIENCE! Too many people would demand to be brought on at the highest possible when quite frankly, they don't deserve or even qualify for it. Do your research, know your worth, and negotiate! I understand the time saving factor, but we have to understand the other side. Employers won't waste their time playing the money game with someone they don't view experienced enough for the top of the scale yet the candidate is demanding it because they know what it is.

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Unpopular opinion: Salary does NOT have to be advertised Unpopular opinion: Salary does NOT have to be advertised Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 21, 2020 Rating: 5

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