Had a phone interview set up but the recruiter called my other number. Saw job posting again month later...
I recently finished college and was finally supposed to have my chance at a phone interview for a job I liked and qualified for about a month ago.
I was emailed by the recruiter a link which lets me choose a specific date/time I want them to call me for the phone interview as well as my preferred phone number that I wish to be called at.
Being the pandemic and all, I chose my local landline as my preferred number since I'm pretty much on lockdown anyways. However on my resume I've always had my cell phone number since pre-covid that was my preferred method since I wasn't always at home.
So anyways, after I submitted my interview preferences, I was sent an automated messaging confirming the time/date and the number they'll call me at (my local landline).
Now on the time/day of the interview, I had my cell phone on silent and tucked away in a drawer because I didn't want to get distracted when the recruiter calls me on my local landline for the phone interview...I waited and waited, then sent an email to the recruiter 10 minutes when I didn't get a callback asking if they were still going to call me, and I never heard back. It wasn't until 30 minutes after, I gave up waiting for the phone call and took my cell phone out of the drawer and saw a missed call with unknown number for their caller ID, at first I didn't think too much of it and assumed maybe it was one of those telemarketing numbers. Then I noticed there was a voice-mail...and what do you know...It was the recruiter calling me on my cell phone when I specifically entered my local landline on their interview form.
I tried calling back to no avail. So I sent an e-mail apologizing for not picking up my cell phone and then stating that I put my local landline as my preferred number for the phone interview followed with a screenshot of my interview confirmation which clearly shows my local landline number as the number they said they'll call me at. I then thanked the recruiter regardless even though we never had a chance to talk for that phone interview. However, I never got a reply back...
So fast-forward a month later, I see the exact same job posting posted 'new' on indeed. I don't know what my chances are for landing another invitation for an interview, but I was wondering if my resume/phone-number might be blacklisted now and if it is still worth re-applying?
TL;DR: Recruiter phoned my cell phone when I specifically stated my local landline number after they specifically asked me which number I want to be reached at. Now a month later, they re-posted their ad for that very same job.
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