Slower-paced project manager role - does such a thing exist?

I am a 30F working as a marketing project manager in the education industry and I am MISERABLE. Because of COVID, I have been working from home and any semblance of work-life balance has been wiped away. My workplace is similar to an agency environment - the work is fast-paced and at the whim of our “clients,” so I am always on call and work most hours of the day. When I’m not actively working, I’m stressing about work to be done.

My husband and I want to try for a baby soon, and I’ve realized that this work environment would be incompatible with having a family. However I feel like I’ve pigeon-holed myself into a role that by nature will always be in a fast-paced environment. I want to search for a new job, but cannot even fathom what I could do to solve for this without essentially demoting myself. Does anyone here have any ideas or advice?

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Slower-paced project manager role - does such a thing exist? Slower-paced project manager role - does such a thing exist? Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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