What is the proper etiquette for leaving a job in the first 1-2 weeks?

For the past two years I've been job searching on and off with little success. I'm a college junior, 19 years old, and I started my first real job four days ago at a fast food place. The restaurant's manager called me two hours after I submitted my application and hired me the next day. I was so happy to finally have someone give me a chance that I almost cried. Everyone there is welcoming, encouraging, and there's a lot of banter, so I don't feel like I'm working.

Today I received a call from a medical lab that I applied to last week saying they wanted to interview me. I honestly believe that I have a high chance of getting the job, and am hoping to get an offer. Not only does it pay better hourly but it offers shift differential for evenings and weekends.

I'm thankful to the restaurant manager that hired me because I've been steadily heading towards financial destitution ever since I started college, but if I receive an offer from the lab I will accept it. I can't help but feel some guilt at the idea of leaving a job so soon, and I really don't want to end my time there on a bad note.

If I do end up receiving and accepting an offer, how should I inform my manager that I'll be leaving?

TL:DR I started a job four days ago that I genuinely enjoy but might receive an infinitely better offer soon and I don't know how to go about quitting without seeming + feeling like a jerk.

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What is the proper etiquette for leaving a job in the first 1-2 weeks? What is the proper etiquette for leaving a job in the first 1-2 weeks? Reviewed by Louhi on août 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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