I work in digital advertising and it’s a more senior role for both companies.
Company A is a massive corporation and I really liked the process / the team i have met during my 3/3 interviews with them. They are on board with my salary expectations as well.
Company B is a smaller company but still have 3 offices across north america (this job is fully remote). I met people from the team (also 3/3 interviews) Went well. The position is more challenging but i’m into it. I like the agency culture as well. We haven’t fully discussed salary expectations.
Company A called my references already. and should expect an offer in a day or so. Company B should also be calling my references tomorrow.
I just want to prepare on how to handle this situation. i have never had 2 job opportunities align like this before. I prefer Company A but what if Company B comes back with an amazing offer? Some guidance would be much appreciated!
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