I just recently got a job around a month and a half ago in the field that I went to school for. I quickly realized it wasn’t exactly what I thought it was going to be. My new boss have been praising my work and seems to be really happy with the work I’ve been doing, but I am not enjoying it at all. I often come home and cry because it makes me so miserable. The first few weeks weren’t too bad, but it seems like they keep piling more and more things on my plate each week. My boss was supposed to help me with these tasks, as we are the only 2 in the company with the background to do it, but as of lately they’ve all been pushed to me. My new boss is talking about giving me more responsibilities within the next few days and I don’t want to let her down by quitting, but I genuinely don’t think I can handle it. My previous job is definitely not what I want to do with the rest of my life, but the money is far better there and they are very open to welcoming me back there. I know I will probably burn a bridge regardless, but is there a good way to go about quitting my new job?
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