Political Jobs on Resumes

Will it hurt my chances applying for jobs in the future if I have experience working on a political campaign on my resume?

I was laid off from my job at an insurance company in February. Covid wasn't the reason for the layoff, but it's the reason for the delay in my job search. I've yet to start applying for new jobs because I'm not comfortable working in an office right now, as my old job has already made people come back into the office and I know this has happened at other companies as well.

I feel like I should do something productive right now as I already have a 5 month gap in my resume. I liked my insurance job and will most likely go back to the insurance industry once the pandemic settles down. But while there's a pandemic going on, the only job I'm willing to do and put myself at any kind of risk for is a job working on a political campaign. Although I can't see myself doing this permanently, it's something I'm really passionate about and the timing of my unemployment works out perfectly with the election coming up. This is also assuming I can do this job working from home making phone calls or something, I won't take a job if they want me going door to door or anything like that.

My concern is whether having "(candidate's name) 2020 campaign" on my resume will hurt my future job prospects if the people reviewing my resume don't have the same political views as me. Obviously nobody will ever directly say "sorry we're not hiring you because of your political views", but I find it hard to believe that that type of bias would never come into play. There's always the option to just leave it off of my resume, but that'll leave a 9 month gap in employment if I start looking for new jobs in November.

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Political Jobs on Resumes Political Jobs on Resumes Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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