After 3.5 years as an Operations Manager I finally resigned. I worked in the transportation industry and the company I worked for had me carrying most the weight with no help from corporate or upper management. During the last four months I was acting GM and then had to train the new GM of that branch.
I left with no plan in place but it came to a point that my health (both physical and mentality) and family was suffering because of all the things the company had me doing.
So far I applied for 10 + jobs in the 3 days in the Indianapolis area. Not sure how to job market is going to be with COVID but I have hope even though I am scared.
I learn a very valuable lesson this early in my life. You can be loyal to the company you work for but you need to also loyal to yourself if you want to be happy. My boss always said my loyalty was unmatched against anyone else in the company.
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