So, I've known for a while that I've had a few problems growing up mentally and its been a tough battle. I wouldnt say im self diagnosed but more self aware on what's happening, but I wont bring myself to see a doctor about it incase something that goes on record ruins my dream job (Met police homicide detective). Ive managed to learn and deal with my possible mental issues in varied ways but asides from that I also have Visual Snow and I don't need a doctor to diagnose that. Only problem is if I want to seek help I may run a risk going to the met as, because of VSS rarity, there is nothing talking about it for the police. I have been training and bettering myself for the role my entire life and I want to know if it should be safe to see my doctor about the luggage ive been carrying with me or just deal with it and solve it my own way. Plus, what about possible carpal tunnel, tinnitus, vertigo w/ migraines, vertigo?
TLDR: Jobs and their standards on issues such as Carpal tunnel, tinnitus, vertigo w/ migraines, regular vertigo, array of mental issues and a weakened bone, more specifically policing jobs in the UK.
Cheers if you can help
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