Getting Furloughed from my Dream Job- Don't know where to go from here

So the title is self explanatory, I currently have my dream job- I'm an international flight attendant. My primary route is into Greece as I am a speaker. I love my job. However, with COVID-19 and how recently I joined my company I know come 10/01 I will be getting furloughed. The last time my company furloughed it was for 13 years (literally). I'm kind of at a loss of where I could go job wise and how to make my current position seem more marketable outside of customer service or food service.

I have 2 flight attendant jobs and a bit of volunteer work - escorting sick children to / from the US for medical procedures & teaching ESL and GED tutoring- on my resume. I got a BA in 2016 with honors from a middle of the road US university. I love math but have no experience in math that would be quantifiable. I guess I'm trying to figure out what jobs would suit my skill set and more so, how I would be able to market myself for a job that isn't customer service or food service in a job market that is essentially a giant dumpster fire.

Thank you all for any and all suggestions.

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Getting Furloughed from my Dream Job- Don't know where to go from here Getting Furloughed from my Dream Job- Don't know where to go from here Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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