Advise on my situation

Im quite new to this so im not 100% sure if this is the right place to post it but any advise will help.

So i am an apprentice and out of the blue on the wednesday thats just passed i was called by my company to tell me that my apprenticeship has been cancelled because of the ongoing pandemic that had lead the company to shorten its employment so they said i had to go because there would be no place for me in any department.

Now i was ok with this, i gathered my belongings that the company had given me (uniform, tools, ppe etc.) and returned them the day i was made ‘redundant’. I felt it was professional of me to go in and speak face to face and understand how my redundancy will take place as i have only been there 9 months and have a pension + a car on finance, they explained i’d be paid until the end of july on furlough (i was already on it) and have all my holidays paid and a weeks notice, they also tried to be apologetic that they had to let me go which i understood and accepted. Now this was all fine to me until they sent me a letter on the friday.

This letter that i got enraged me as they wrote... “following a review of your progress in the past 9 months we have concluded that there isnt a target position available for you therefore we are cancelling your employment”. They worded and spun it so i was made to hold the blame for me being out of a job which really annoyed me and made me think a little harder and wonder if i had been unfairly dismissed

I had signed a contract to work for this company that i would be and apprentice for 2 years before becoming fully qualified and now i ask the question. Have i been unfairly dismissed and have they worded it the way they have to legally justify getting rid of me? Any advise on who to speak to would be nice


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Advise on my situation Advise on my situation Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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