What does my boss mean when he calls me and says “you might have my job in the future”?

I have no idea if this is the right flair so please correct it if it’s wrong.

So for some background, I work in a small program of four including my boss. It is currently understaffed at three because a colleague of mine just retired a couple of weeks ago. Despite my colleague retiring, we have been short staffed since COVID took hold, mostly because my other coworkers have been using a lot of leave for personal reasons. I’ve been the one holding most of the fort since covid.

My boss calls me on Wednesday and asks if I was interested in participating on an interview panel for the open position in our program. I told him I’d be interested but I don’t have experience interviewing anyone. He then directed me through our online portal to our “HR basics” courses and says he wants me to take these courses and that I’d probably need to take some of them in order to be on the interview panel. Having been at the department for some time I knew that these courses were reserved for new supervisors who had just been hired or promoted. He then says “I want you to take these courses not only for the interview panel in case you are selected for the panel but because you might have my job one day.” The courses also take quite a bit of time, which is why I’m surprised that he wanted me to register for them since we are short staffed.

Before COVID, there have been talks of creating a senior position (so a promotion and pay bump) in my program to handle our bigger permits and a lot of the plan review. Now that my colleague has retired, these big permits are now essentially unassigned and open for the taking in addition to some higher level tasks. My boss has been in and out of division meetings for the past month, so much so that even getting simple approvals from him has been a hard task and projects are getting backlogged. But covid has put a financial strain on our department, which makes me feel doubtful that a senior position would be created since government-wide they put in raise freezes (even though my department is permit-funded).

Was I correct to infer there might be subtext in what my boss was saying, that there may be some sort of promotion for me in the near future, or am I reading into this too much and my boss was just paying me a compliment on my work ethic?

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What does my boss mean when he calls me and says “you might have my job in the future”? What does my boss mean when he calls me and says “you might have my job in the future”? Reviewed by Louhi on juin 20, 2020 Rating: 5

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