Turned down a job last week. Now I regret it. Is it wrong to email them?

I am a recent college graduate and have been staying with my parents for the last few months. I turned down a job that I really wanted a week ago, after my parents encouraged me to find something that paid better. I really regret this decision, as the location, mission, and culture of the job seemed perfect. Is it wrong or pointless to email the organization who offered me the job? What would I even say in the email?

A bit of desperation is factoring into my feeling of regret, I think. I just finished the first round of interviews and assessments for a different job, but I doubt I will make it to round two. I've had a handful of interviews (I think 7) since February. None of those turned into offers, because of Covid-19 or another candidate was chosen.

My motivation to fill out job applications has seriously tanked since moving home.

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Turned down a job last week. Now I regret it. Is it wrong to email them? Turned down a job last week. Now I regret it. Is it wrong to email them? Reviewed by Louhi on juin 21, 2020 Rating: 5

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