Potentially leaving job

Ive put my two week notice in and my employer has kind of come back with a counteroffer. They have come back with promises of change but are giving me an out after 3-6 months.

The new manager has informed me these changes will not be quick and i am aware but he then said over the course of two years or so.

I like what i do and the pay is nice, but the stress, anxiety, and hours is not great. I have almost worked 800 hours of overtime in the past year in my current position and many of those would have been prevented with better management.

I have heard all the promises of change before and nothing happened. Why should i stay or do they want me to stay to prevent yet another loss to a place that has lost two other vital people?

I feel bad leaving some of my coworkers and friends, but i think my health should come first. I dont have anything lined up if i decide not to take the counteroffer, however im able to sustain for a while.

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Potentially leaving job Potentially leaving job Reviewed by Louhi on juin 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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