I’m only 16 years old and I’m trying to plan out my life and what I want to be when I grow up. I know that even if you plan your life out it isn’t always going to go according to plan but I just wanted some advice and some suggestions of which jobs could be best for me when the time comes. The following is a list about myself and certain jobs Ive been looking into:
• Art - I’m Good at Art so presumably I felt that maybe Graphic Design would be an interesting choice for me. I love writing stories as a whole, Hell right now I’ve got 6 stories in my arsenal with an expected 40 stories I’m hoping to create in my entire life time. (I could maybe go into Illustration or Concept Art then if I’m good enough I could get promoted to Art Director or a higher field.)
• Medicine - Medicine has always been an interesting field for me. Now I haven’t attended actual high school yet due to COVID-19 and I just moved to America, so I haven’t had the chance to dip my feet into Biology, Chemistry, Physics or even Psychology for that matter. From what I know I l was really good at Science from my old schools in South Africa and Ireland and Technology as well as English but I’m average in Math. My mom and I were discussing about me going into Family Medicine.
• Side Jobs - I’ve been thinking of my side jobs as well. If I’m going to be a Graphic Designer or even Doctor I think it would be the smart thing to do to find ways that you can make more money on top of what you’re originally earning. Hence why I settled for a few side jobs such as: Fashion Model, Actor, Game Tester & Freelance Multimedia Artist. Writing and Creating my own Video Games could also be Side Jobs as well.
I don’t mind going into Medicine, But I’m just scared cause I don’t think I’ll be able to make it into Medicine, Art is my passion so that’s why originally I felt like Graphic Design or even Film Director could be something I could enjoy. I’m not incredible at Math but I’m not bad at science or English. What do you think I should do? Which jobs should I go into? Thank you for taking the time to read this post!!! :)
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