I can't decide whether to accept a full-time role or to pursue another job with a different company.
Hey guys, pretty new to this subreddit so I guess this post would fall under needing employment advice.
So I am currently a rising senior in college working in a business-related internship with a Fortune 500 company. The people have been amazing that I work alongside and I have a lot of respect for those I work with...however, I would not currently be interested in wanting to work in the current role I am in full-time, but would be open to applying for other roles within the company.
Meanwhile, there's another large company that I have longed for over a year now to work for. They host several college and post-college programs, with a few of these programs targeted towards my personal interests. For lack of a better way to say it, I have a huge passion for this brand and want to work for this organization more than anything.
It seems like I have already made up my mind on what I want to do, but here's the options I am faced with: I, and the rest of the interns I'm working with, have almost been promised full-time positions during our orientation if we so choose to accept by the end of the summer. Meanwhile, I would not be able to apply to work with this other company until January 2021.
What advice would you give to someone who is risking job security to lean towards a role that I feel would make me happy? Am I wrong for be willing to throw away an potentially-guaranteed job offer upon graduation for an organization that I possibly might not even get to work for after I apply? The anxiety of this decision has been burdening my mind and I want to enjoy this summer with the incredible people I'm surrounded by, but keep worrying about tarnishing my connections I'm making to pursue a separate company that I withhold a lot of passion for.
If you need any further details from me, I'll be happy to respond. I just want to enjoy this internship to its fullest extent without having continuous anguish about throwing away job security.
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