How to get a job when you're not qualified for anything?

My work history is all over the place, I have a stem enviro science degree with an education based internship.

My last jobs have all been low skilled hospitality or bar work. My current job is in property (kind of an estate agent).

I'm trying to get into any technology or data based jobs, I work and program with a company for experience, but that's it.

No formal programming education and I have very rudimentary knowledge of Python, web dev, data science, etc

I have absolutely no idea what I'm qualified to apply for, my CV looks so weak and terrible I have no idea how to leverage the experience I have outside almost lying and making what I do sound much bigger then it is "negotiating new contracts with clients establishing a best practice for future reports" or whatever.

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How to get a job when you're not qualified for anything? How to get a job when you're not qualified for anything? Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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