Web Developer vs. IT Guy

I'm in an odd position... I have experience with both web development/etc and computer repair/IT services.

I currently work at an auto parts store and do websites as a side gig. I want to make more money and so I've been looking at jobs on Indeed and there are plenty that I could almost do. However, when it comes to being a web developer, I lack JavaScript experience (so I got a course at Udemy and I'm gonna learn it). When it comes to IT services I have experience with pretty much everything (worked as a tech at a computer repair/refurbisher place for several years) minus Windows Server/Active Directory/etc. which I could probably learn as well.

I'm basically wondering which of these would be a smarter long-term investment? Master JS and get a web developer job or learn about Active Directory and other Windows Server technologies and go work for an MSP or something?

Really neither of them are my passions but then again neither is telling people the air fresheners are in aisle 1 so I figure I may as well go one of these two routes and make double the money I currently make.

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Web Developer vs. IT Guy Web Developer vs. IT Guy Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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