How many days in advance does the interviewer give you before coming to an interview?

I’m waiting for a call from this company, who asked me for my two weeks availability and was told I will get a call about the interview. I’m in school and applying for a summer internship. I applied for a company that is located about 1 hour drive from my school (which is also 5 minutes from where I’ll be living this summer). If my interview is scheduled, I’m hoping to get enough time to drive back before an interview starts. From you experience, how many days in advance the company has called to ask you to come in for an interview? Has it been on the same day or has it been one day ahead? I just want to ask for your opinion.

P/s: I told my recruiter about my situation but I’m just worried about the interviewer not knowing about this.

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How many days in advance does the interviewer give you before coming to an interview? How many days in advance does the interviewer give you before coming to an interview? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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