I'm 16 and in highschool and I really want to try and get a job, or atleast a part time job. Mostly due to the fact that I just, want money to be able to spend. I'm homeschooled so public school isn't a worry, and I can do my schoolwork at any time I want or need to. There's nothing really holding me back from looking for one other than my own nervousness and being scared of embarassment for trying to get one. So, is it possible for me to get a job at 16? And if so, what kind of jobs could I look for? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm relatively unexperienced with this and want to know what I should try and look for. If you can give me any tips on what I should try and do it'd be appreciated. Alot of my friends at my age have atleast part time jobs, and I feel I should try and do the same.
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