I graduated from law school in May. Took the bar in July and passed. Good grades all around, varied work experience, and I cannot find anything in ANY legal field.
Everyone I know got jobs through family connections or whatnot, but I dont have that. I know the legal market is tough, and I knew that before going into law school, which is why I worked hard to graduate debt free.
At the same time, it is so damn frustrating that no matter what I do to gain some upward mobility, it is NEVER enough. I grew up my entire life sleeping on a couch in my parents living room because we are poor, and now I am an attorney and STILL on this damn couch. I feel like such a failure. The career services at my school helps a lot, but I could send out a cover letter and resume plated in gold and still not get a call back.
I know, nobody is entitled to a job, and I dont have any problem with retail, but cmon, what more do I have to do to get ahead in life? Become a doctor too?
The worst is seeing how the students I lost out to jobs to actually ended up failing the bar exam, but how am I supposed to beat connections?
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