About a month ago I interviewed for an entry-level position at a company. The interview was amazing, boss was introducing me to the team/showing me around/asking when I could start/etc. A few days later I come to find out they ended up filling the position. When I e-mailed my potential boss with a follow-up, she said that they filled the position internally but hoped we worked together in the future and had actually recommended me for a higher position in the same company. The recruiter I was working with told me to keep my eyes open for future positions as well.
Last week rolls around, and that higher position I had been recommended for actually opens up on that same boss's team. I immediately applied and the recruiter got in touch with me that afternoon telling me that the company had 2 opportunities open in that area -- 1 being the same entry-level position I had initially applied for, and 1 being the higher level position. The entry-level position was at a different office. She confirmed to me that I would 100% be made a job offer for one of the positions, but that the job postings had to stay up for at least 5 days. She said they were "counting down the days" until they could make me an offer.
For a little context on the positions - the entry-level position is a Leasing Consultant job and the higher position is Assistant Community Manager. These jobs are located in the leasing offices (small teams of 5-6) of each respective property. It seems odd to me that I would be made an offer for the position selling apartments at the other office without meeting any of the team or the management, seeing the property, or hearing anything about what the work schedule is. Especially when I have a recommendation for the higher position by the person whose team it is on. I made it clear to the recruiter that my preference was with the higher position at the community I had been to, but did confirm I was open to both opportunities.
My question to r/jobs is which job offer do you think I'm more likely to receive? Would it come off as desperate to send a follow-up "cover" letter to the recruiter and my potential boss reiterating my interest in the higher position?
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